E 1 E2E (PC)
Eagles (PC)
Eagles 2 E2E (PC)
Easter Eggs (PC)
Easter Eggs & Bunny 1 E2E (PC)
Egyptian 1 E2E (PC)
Egyptian Border (PC)
Egyptian Flowers (PC)
Elephants 1 E2E (PC)
Elephants 2 E2E (PC)
Elephant 3 E2E (PC)
Elk Heads 1 E2E (PC)
Emoji 1 E2E (PC)
Em's Basket E2E (PC)
Emergency Services 1 (PC)
Equestrian 1 (PC)
Excitement E2E (PC)
Eye Glasses 1 E2E (PC)
Eye Spy 1 (PC)
Eye Spy 2 (PC)
Fairies 1 E2E (PC)
Fairies 1 Winter E2E (PC)
Fairies Light E2E (PC)
Faith 1 E2E (PC)
Fall in the Air (PC)
Fancy Fish (PC)
Farm 1 E2E (PC)
Farm Animals 1 E2E (PC)
Farm Animals 2 E2E (PC)
Farm Scene 1 E2E (PC)
Farmers Market 1 E2E (PC)
Fat Chickens 1 E2E (PC)
Feathered Cross E2E (PC)
Feathers and Arrows 1 E2E (PC)
Feathers and Arrows 2 E2E (PC)
Feathers and Arrow 3 E2E (PC)
Ferrets 1 E2E (PC)
Fiddle & Bass (PC)
Fire Trucks (PC)
Fish (PC)
Flames (PC)
Flamingo 1 E2E (PC)
Flapper Hats (PC)
Flip Flop Fun 1 (PC)
Flip Flop Fun 2 (PC)
Floating Hearts & Flowers (PC)
Floppy Daisy (PC)
Flourish E2E (PC)
Flower 1A (PC)
Flower 6 E2E (PC)
Flowered Lace (PC)
Flowers (PC)
Flowers Dense (PC)
Flowers & Bows 1 E2E (PC)
Flowers & Loops 1 E2E (PC)
Flowing Ribbons (PC)
Fly Fishing 1 E2E (PC)
Flying Diamond E2E (PC)
Food 1 E2E (PC)
Football (PC)
Football 2 (PC)
Football 3 (PC)
Football 4 E2E (PC)
Football 5 E2E (PC)
Football Nate Stars 1 E2E (PC)
Football Soccer 1 E2E (PC)
Football Soccer Lacrosse 1 E2E (PC)
Forest Friends 1 E2E (PC)
Forest Friends 2 E2E (PC)
Four Leaf Clover Swirls 1 E2E (PC)
Four Patch Arcs E2E (PC)
Four Patch Arcs with Filler E2E (PC)
Fox 1 E2E (PC)
Foxes 1 E2E (PC)
French Braid 1 (PC)
French Braid 2 E2E (PC)
Fresh Citrus (PC)
Frogs (PC)
Frogs 2 (PC)
Frogs 3 (PC)
Frogs 4 (PC)
Fruits 1 E2E (PC)
Funky Fish 1 E2E (PC)
Funky Fish 2 E2E (PC)
Funky Flowers (PC)
G 2 E2E (PC)
Garbage Trucks 1 E2E (PC)
Geckos (PC)
Geese in the Clouds (PC)
Geo 1 E2E (PC)
Geo 3 E2E (PC)
Geo 4 E2E (PC)
Geo 5 E2E (PC)
Geo 5 A E2E (PC)
Geo 5 E2E (PC)
Geo 8 E2E (PC)
Geo 10 E2E (PC)
GFG Applique E2E (PC)
Ghosts 1 E2E (PC)
Ginkgo 1 E2E (PC)
Gingerbread Family 1 E2E (PC)
Gingerbread Family 2 E2E (PC)
Gingerbread Man 1 E2E (PC)
Gingerbread Man 2 E2E (PC)
Giraffe E2E (PC)
Giraffe 2 E2E (PC)
Girl Fun 1 E2E (PC)
Girl Power 1 E2E (PC)
Glamping 1 E2E (PC)
GoMamaGo 1 E2E (PC)
Goats 1 E2E
Golf 1 E2E (PC)
Golf 2 E2E (PC)
Graduation 1 E2E (PC)
Grandma and Grandpa 1 E2E (PC)
Grapes E2E (PC)
Greener Pastures 1 E2E (PC)
Grid 1 Inch E2E (PC)
Grid 2 Inch E2E (PC)
Grid 3 Inch E2E (PC)
Grid 4 Inch E2E (PC)
Guitars (PC)
Gumbo 1 E2E (PC)
Guns 1 E2E (PC)
Guns 2 E2E (PC)
Guns 3 E2E (PC)
Gymnastics (PC)
Gymnastics 2 E2E (PC)
Gymnastics I Love 1 E2E (PC)
Gymnastics I Love 2 E2E (PC)
Gye Nyame 1 E2E (PC)
Hair Styling 1 E2E (PC)
Hair Styling 2 E2E (PC)
Halloween (PC)
Hats & Mittens 1 E2E (PC)
Happy Day 1 E2E (PC)
Harps 1 E2E (PC)
Hawaiian 1 E2E (PC)
Hearts & Flowers (PC)
Hearts & Hearts (PC)
Hearts & Loops (PC)
Hearts Loops Dad 1 E2E (PC)
Hearts & Stars 1 E2E (PC)
Hearts, Stars & Loops (PC)
Hearts with Wings (PC)
Hearty Meander (PC)
Heavy Equipment 1 E2E (PC)
Helping Hands 1 E2E (PC)
Help is Coming 1 E2E (PC)
Help is Coming 2 E2E (PC)
Hens E2E (PC)
Hibiscus 1 E2E (PC)
Hidden Soccer Ball (PC)
High Heels (PC)
Hockey 1 (PC)
Hockey 2 (PC)
Holly (PC)
Holly with Berries (PC)
Honeycomb 1 E2E (PC)
Hope, Love & Faith E2E (PC)
Horizontal Lines 1 (PC)
Horseshoes (PC)
Hot Air Balloons 1 (PC)
Hot Air Balloons 2 E2E (PC)
Hot Peppers (PC)
Hummingbirds 1 (PC)
Hummingbirds 2 (PC)
Hummingbirds 3 (PC)
Hunting 1 E2E (PC)
Hydrangea 1 E2E (PC)
I Love to Dance E2E (PC)
Ice Skaters 1 E2E (PC)
In the Woods (PC)
In the Woods 2 E2E (PC)
In the Woods Hunting 1 E2E (PC)
Indian Headdress 1 (PC)
Indian Headdress 2 (PC)
Indian Headdress 3 (PC)
Infinity 1 E2E (PC)
Iris (PC)
Iris Light E2E (PC)
Irish Chain Celtic Knot E2E 1 (PC)
Double Irish Chain Celtic Knot 2 E2E (PC)
Irish Chain Shamrocks 1 E2E (PC)
Irish Chain Shamrock E2E 2 (PC)
Jack-O-Lantern (PC)
Jack-O-Lanterns 2 E2E (PC)
Jeep 1 E2E (PC)
Jingle Bells 1 (PC)
Jungle 1 (PC)
K 1 E2E (PC)
Kangaroos 1 E2E (PC)
Karate 1 E2E (PC)
Katy and Butterflies 1 E2E (PC)
Kelp 1 (PC)
Kelp 2 (PC)
Kelp 3 (PC)
Kelp 4 (PC)
Kiss Me 1 E2E (PC)
Knitting 1 E2E (PC)
Knotted Ropes (PC)
Knitting 1 E2E (PC)
Koi 1 E2E (PC)
Koi 2 E2E (PC)
Kokopelli 1 E2E (PC)
Kokopelli 2 E2E (PC)
All patterns are COPYRIGHT protected.
email: designsbyvickie@yahoo.com